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The small Retiree Group of the Property Committee is again meeting
on Tuesday mornings around 8:30 a.m. to support the maintenance and improvement of our “Aging” buildings, equipment and grounds. The group includes Bob Rath, Craig Sparke, Roger Ohlander, Bill Henderson, and Bob Hasteadt. They provide most of the support functions to keep our buildings running smoothly, as their time and talents permit. The Church is very thankful for the time and knowledge they share with us, for without them this work would need to be contracted out or left undone completely. Their work assists in ensuring the safety and security of all our buildings and grounds. They continue to carry on a long tradition of VOLUNTEERS.  If anyone would like to join the group, you can just show up on Tuesdays or contact the Church office for more information. Another pair of hands or legs is most helpful and a blessing.  All are welcome!

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